What to Expect During MEDIFLY Treatment
Your doctor or nurse will place a barrier dressing to the surrounding skin of your wound. This prevents messes, and additionally prevents maggots from escaping in the case of MEDIFLY Free Range.
The maggots are then applied to the wound, which is then covered with an absorbent dressing pad and secured.
The maggots will stay on your wound for 48-72 hours for MEDIFLY Free Range. For MEDIFLY Baggots, they will stay on your wound for 72-96 hours. They will be removed after the time period discussed with your healthcare practitioner.
While the Maggots Are in Place You Should Not:
Have a bath or shower or put your wound in water. This will kill the maggots.
Expose your wound too close to an external heat source such as a hairdryer. The maggots may become too dry.
Depending on the location of your wound, walking or applying pressure to the wound may crush and kill the maggots.
What to Expect During Your Treatment Period:
You should not be able to feel the maggots on your wound as they are only there to remove dead tissue. Some patients with ischaemia (reduced blood supply) to the wound may experience increased pain. If this happens, consult your healthcare professional.
The wound may become slightly wetter than usual, and this discharge may be darker in colour. This is due to the maggots breaking down the dead tissue.